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I need support in that I will not cook. See "behaviors" on google.

By January 23, 2018 - 6:45pm

I input "support group for women who do not want to cook" in google's search bar and the result was link after link after link of "when women do not want to work," "when women do not want to work." That is an abuse of women issue.

By HERWriter Guide January 24, 2018 - 5:09am

Hello Carolyn

If you don't want to cook - don't. You can eat out or order in (if you can afford it). Why do you need a support group for that?


January 24, 2018 - 5:09am

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I have realized that I have spent the majority of my life doing things solely for the benefit of others, even when I was unhappy or unsatisfied with making that decision. As a result, I barely know who I am anymore. I am now on a quest to find out who I really am.


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