boyfriend withholding sex
hello, this is my first post on here. was wondering if anyone could advise?
I am 49 years of age and I have been involved with a younger guy for nearly 4 years now. He is 29. The age difference has not been a problem for us. My partner has always dated mature ladies.
My partner suffers from depression, he was when we first met and was already on medication to treat it. He still takes the same meds now. Also I am no stranger to depression as I have suffered from it over the years. I have not taken meds for over 8 years now.
Our sex life wasnt always over the top, but it satisfied me and I think him. we have always enjoyed cuddling and kissing and holding hands. we are both very romantic.
The trouble is my partner says he has lost his sex drive and he wont go to see his doctor about it. this has been going on for several months now. he just doesnt want to know even though he feels awful about it. I have even thought he may be cheating on me and have become very suspicious as this has never bothered him before. I am able to excite him but he will not do anything about it. this is making me feel very undesirable and feeling down. he says he still is in love with me and wants to stay in this relationship. we are more like buddies than lovers. we do not live together as we both have our own places. i only see him once a week, either he comes to mine or vice versa. i have to give him plenty of notice before i visit him though as he is embarrased about the mess his flat is in....not that it bothers me. i just keep getting a nagging feeling that all is not what it seems. perhaps its me? i am going through the menopause and i get very anxious and paranoid about most things lately. I have 3 children aged 26, 16 and 14. I am insulin diabetic and have neuropathy in my feet which can be painful. I am not enjoying anything in my life at present.
I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. At first, we had sex all the time and little by little he became less interested. I was to the point of crying and begging and telling him how hurt I was. He didn't seem bothered by it at all. I became paranoid, thinking he was cheating... which I'm still not convinced he's not. He's on the computer a lot and when I asked to see his contacts he refused... so no wonder I'm suspicious. I kept telling him to go to the dr. and he never would. Finally, I found some viagra pills that he was hiding and he finally admitted that he needs "help" to get excited. That really does a lot for my self esteem... which by the way thanks to him I have none. I'm at a loss as to what to do. I've considered cheating just to get sexual satisfaction, but I've not gotten to that point yet. We sometimes go 2 months without sex. Anyone have any advice?
November 28, 2011 - 5:47pmThis Comment

Hi jellyellie,
Welcome to EmpowHER and thanks for sharing your story. The fact you are going through Menopause and your boyfriend not having any sex drive can be very difficult and frustrating for you and probably for him. The cause for his lack of sex drive can be due to part depression and a low libido. It would be good for him to see a doctor and have him check his hormonal level.
Here's a link that can help
November 28, 2011 - 3:58pm
jellyellie, I feel your pain. And I'm so sorry your'e going through this too. By him wanting you to give him notice before you show up at his door sounds like he has something to hide.... maybe another woman or is he doing drugs? I'm not sure, but it sounds fishy to me. Why don't you show up unannounced sometime and just tell him you had trouble getting through to him by phone. Just see what happens. Yeah, I'm a good one to be giving advice aren't I?
November 28, 2011 - 5:53pmThis Comment