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5 Pre Workout Tips To Bear In Mind

By December 11, 2017 - 10:06am

Health is wealth as well all know but being healthy means having a healthy body also. Eating the right nutrients is not enough to make our body healthy thus we need to exercise to help our body becomes strong and energetic all the time. Most people are tired in having their own exercise plan everyday so they prefer to visit the gym to have some work out. However, it is not advisable to visit the gym anytime. You need to prepare yourself before working out in the gym. There are actually 5 pre workout tips that you can try.

1.Have a pre work out meal. It is not advisable to eat a full meal before working out in the gym. Eat a carbohydrate-rich protein meal to provide you all the energy you will need in your exercise. Remember that carbohydrates provide the energy and endurance that you need to sustain long training. Consume your meal two hours before your training.

2.Avoid increasing your stress hormones. In working out, you exert too much effort to achieve the appearance of your body that you need. If possible, do not visit the gym or your instructor after a major fight with your partner for it will only increase your stress hormones. Additional stress before working out is never helpful for it becomes a factor to experience body fatigue and you cannot finish your training in a specific time.

3.Avoid free radicals in your body. Free radicals are taken from population, smoking, alcohol, radiation and so many more. We cannot avoid these situations in this modern life so it is advisable to drink antioxidant supplements. These can increase your immune system as well as help you get rid of free radicals in your body. Examples of these supplements are Vitamin C and Vitamin E which can be taken from mangos, green leafy vegetables, papaya and oranges. You can also purchase these supplements in different drug stores.

4.Drink more liquids. Hydration is very important in your body. You have to make sure that out do not forget to drink water before working out. When the body is dehydrated, the body looses some amount of strength and it is not helpful. You need to replace the fluid you loose from your sweats.

5.Perform warm up exercises to prepare your body. Even we engage in stressful exercises, we do not want to experience muscle cramps, muscle fatigue, injuries, and soreness the day after the training, right? So you have to heat up your body to send a message to your brain that you are about to perform a stressful exercises.

Bear in mind these 5 pre workout tips in order to avoid muscle fatigue and stressful feeling the day after your training. You need to prepare your self well. Our body is like an automobile that needs to be warm up after days of sleeping in the garage. You need to heat the engine up before using it so that you won’t destroy the machine of you car.

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