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What You Should Know When Getting a Treatment for Snoring

By September 18, 2017 - 11:10am

Sure, you have come across many different products and treatment options that are said to be the “most effective way to stop snoring problems”. We have nose strips, mouth guards, pillows, and medical procedures, and the list just never stops. Sad to say, most of these options only leave us expecting and hanging.

Since each person’s snoring issue has different causes, treatments must be tailored to target the underlying issue. That is why in this article, we will provide you a brief overview of what you should know and expect prior to getting treated for snoring.

The Common Causes of Snoring

Snoring has many different causes. It could be any of the following:
Nasal Blockage – Nasal blockage is the most common cause for snoring. This happens if there is a deviated septum or a turbinate issue.

Palate Obstruction – Palate obstruction happens when an elongated soft floppy palate narrows the airway, causing blockage and snoring.

Enlarged Tonsils – Yes, enlarged tonsils can obstruct your airway, which results in tissue vibrations that leads to snoring.

Added Weight Around the Neck – Excess fats in the lower throat may block the airway, which results in snoring.

Note that for some individuals, there could be many reasons at play, such as enlarged tonsils and deviated septum. To be sure, it is best that you consult your doctor.

The Treatment Options Available for You

If you have decided to put a stop to snoring through surgery, chances are, you have already tried a number of treatment options but had unsatisfactory results. The good news is that there are plenty of in-office treatment solutions or outpatient services like surgeries that are tailored to treat snoring. Depending on the root cause of the condition, you might be subjected to several less invasive procedures. Don’t worry. They wouldn’t require you to take a bed rest for days!

Here are some of the minimally invasive procedures offered by professionals:

Less Invasive Procedures

Tongue Reduction – If an enlarged tongue base is causing obstruction to your airways, a tongue reduction procedure can shrink its size using radio frequency energy.

Tonsillar Reduction – If infected or enlarged tonsils are causing your snoring problem, tonsillar reduction is often advised. Like tongue reduction, radio frequency energy is used.

Pillar Procedure – Snoring vibrations can somehow be reduced by inserting small implants in the treatment called Pillar Procedure.

Surgical Procedures

AIRVance Procedure – An enlarged tongue that obstructs the airway can be treated with AIRVance procedure.

Tonsillectomy – If the AIRVance procedure doesn’t suit you, another option you have is tonsillectomy.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) – In this procedure, the excess soft tissues in the throat are removed to widen the airways.

Septoplasty – A septoplasty surgery is often done to straighten and correct the septum to further improve breathing.

Get Your Snoring Issue Treated

Now, if you are looking for the best solution to treat your snoring, it is best that you see a professional, who can carefully evaluate and assess your condition. Remember that your choice really matters, so don’t settle for a professional who just claims he’s the best. Know his background and ask around for more information.

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