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The mobile job search

By September 28, 2021 - 11:53pm

Companies and candidates can now find each other on the go using interactive apps . The principle behind this is also simple here: applicants log in to the app and upload their resume - resume wording help . They are then shown promising job offers on the display.

The principle works in a similar way to dating Tinder:

Swiping the applicant to the left means: uninteresting. The job offer will be deleted.With a "swipe" to the right, however, it signals that he likes the job advertisement. In this case, the company receives the anonymized applicant profile- help me write my resume . If a contact is interesting for both parties, the app establishes it.

One or the other online job exchange, but also larger employers now also offer their own career apps. However, these do not work as described above, but are rather smaller, mobile-friendly versions of the said job agents .

But they also serve their purpose: They compare the profile data - resume writing services - of a user with open job advertisements . In the event of a hit, the candidate receives a notification on the smartphone.

With apps like this, you can be informed about new jobs quickly and at any location and react to them immediately. This may give you a head start over other applicants who use the classic job search methods. So it's worth driving on multiple tracks.

As you can see: The path to your dream job is varied, the chances are now enormous and the good old job advertisement (in a job exchange) is still one of the best alternatives!

So browse around a bit with us, use the numerous service offers of our job exchange and our sister portals Karrierebibel.de (advice portal) and Karrierefragen.de (help community - both free of charge). There is sure to be something for every profession, every job profile and every region .

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