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Coronavirus Stress

By March 28, 2020 - 3:07pm

I have been breastfeeding for 2 years and have had to make the decision to start back on the meds. I have done this in order to stay on track to deal with the constant changes happening now and the precious ones needs. I have chronic pain and find I’m often groggy in the morning and so this is a necessary to keep up with Po’s energy. They were due to start nursery so I could reclaim the homestead, we were both ready for some time apart. But alas, life is what happens when you’re making plans. I don’t know how I will refill the prescription. I’m tapping into my ADHD gifts to entertain Po. Although I am struggling with the noise sensitivity to the neighbours since we are all trapped all day. They are being decent currently and I hope this remains the case.

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This is a group for women living with ADHD. Whether diagnosed early or later in life it is important for us to speak about our experience with ADHD, good or bad. This group is to share advice, anecdotes etc. For too long we have been judged by male presentations of ADHD, well we need to make a point that in order to support women better, all need understand what we need for that support to be successful. It starts with communication and trust. I hope some may find this group a place to start and continue. (Savvy indépendant sisters talking about Hyperkinesis)


London, uk


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