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Excellent Tips to get rid of Smoking naturally

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous February 16, 2018 - 4:56am

Every 8 out of 10 smokers want to break free from their smoking addiction but are unable to do so. Stopping smoking might seem hard, but there are natural and practical tips to make the process easier. The only thing you need is strong determination and the will to apply these quit smoking tips.

Below are some tips you can use to handle and control your smoking habit. Smoking is an addiction that has formed many practices that are attached to your smoking.

First of all, you should identify what the specific habits you have attached to smoking are. Here comes the preliminary step to sort out all the patterns that you associated with smoking. You need to finalize your list of habits. For example, below you will find the most common habits, practices or activities that people link to smoking.

 During break times of work

 In the very fresh morning after waking up

 While answering long phone calls

 While watching television

 After meals

 While socializing

 While driving in your car or when you leave for home from duty, etc.

Yes, the more straightforward thing now you can do is list all the activities and try to stop doing them or at least replace them with other activities for a few weeks. Stop watching TV for a while, maybe for a week or a couple of months. Instead, go for a movie or meet your friends. Remove ashtrays, lighters, and things that remind you of smoking. Keep carrots with you to eat so you can keep your mouth busy and not want to smoke cigarettes.

Another option you have to control the addiction to smoking is to try nicotine replacement therapies. Your body is addicted to nicotine, and this makes you have cravings for nicotine. To minimize these cravings, use nicotine replacement therapies which might help keep you away from nicotine intake.

You can also choose natural ways to quit smoking cigarettes and join a group of people who are already trying to quit smoking just like you, following natural tips. You can admire and motivate each other and discuss methods and techniques that worked best, and that failed to work to get rid of smoking. You will have a broad view of all quit methods and will be encouraged. You will be in a position to suggest and help others as you will have learned a great deal from the group.
Feeling you have support can make up for any determination and willpower you may not have to quit smoking naturally. The important thing is to keep in mind and feel happy with your health, and financial benefits occurred while getting rid of smoking. It’s worth to keep you motivated to invest your time, effort and willpower to achieve. And finally, you enjoy and celebrate the joy and freedom of not being addicted anymore. You will feel proud that you have accomplished something so great such as quitting smoking.

Simple and Easy Tips:

Here are short, simple and hassle-free guidelines on how to quit smoking naturally.
While applying these tips to stop smoking be positive and to think positive. Never give up even if you face a challenging situation or a back step. You can always quit smoking.

 List out the reasons you want to stop this addiction. Place this list everywhere like your home, office, car, etc. Keep always one copy with you so that it can remind you what you want to achieve.

 Change your cigarette break with other fruit juice break.

 Avoid the lighting up a cigarette or holding a lighter

 Prepare your mind to face and overcome some withdrawal symptoms.

 Consider relaxing activities like meditation, yoga or some dance classes to reduce your irritation levels. These activities will make you feel better.

 Always keep chewing gums and candies with you. Whenever your mouth craves nicotine, you can take them and avoid having dry mouth.

 Join groups which involve people who are trying to quit smoking like you. You will get more tips to share and more support from others.

 Make a habit of celebrating every step of your success as a milestone and treat yourself to occasions, movies, and friends or a short walk in the lawn.

 Observe how your body, health, and life have changed after quitting smoking. Your clothing, home, and the car will no longer smell like tobacco. You will feel confident to kiss your loved ones.

All these tips are natural ways to quit smoking and assist you completely in getting rid of your smoking habit.

Smoking Cessation Formula:

The first and most important thing that everyone should do while quitting smoking no matter how they choose to do it is to follow the four stages of quitting smoking from Smoking Cessation Formula.

According to the Smoking Cessation Formula and the CBQ method: Quitting is Hard if you first stop smoking and then wait for your desire to fade away. Quitting is Easy when you first remove your desire for smoking and then stop smoking.

The four stages of quitting smoking are

 Choose to Quit: In this stage, you should admit that you have to get rid of tobacco and make your quit arrangement.

 Cultivate your potential and crush the fear of quitting. Here you break the fears that keep smoking; you strengthen your belief that you can stop smoking cigarettes and remove all the obstacles that prevent you from becoming a happy non-smoker.

 Change your Smoking Pattern: In this stage, you break the smoking habit and learn what to do when your mind carves for cigarettes.

 Condition Your Smoke-Free Life: You learn how to enjoy life without cigarettes and not relapse back to smoking.

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