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By January 10, 2022 - 3:38am

Our government's top concern should be the health and safety of our island population. The focus must cover both our bodily and psychological well-being, which is all too frequently disregarded. We are all subject to the current health recommendations: wear a mask, maintain sufficient social/physical distance, and maintain good cleanliness. These are attempts to safeguard ourselves. We can also do something else as essential. We also need to take precautions to avoid becoming really unwell if we do become infected.

The immune system is weakened by too much stress. The science behind that claim is backed up by a mass of evidence indicating modest amounts of chemicals are produced from the brain under stress. The weakened immune system caused by the released toxins might be imperceptible. Stress hormones can have a physical effect, making them more visible.

A 10-minute stroll every day is a terrific place to start. Don't create an impossible objective for yourself. Simply go for a 10-minute walk every day and see where it takes you. Avoiding coffee and alcohol is a smart idea. I'm concerned about the usage of alcohol to self-medicate stress and the use of coffee as a sleep aid. I'm genuinely saying that the aim is to have no nicotine usage. Smoking will inevitably impair your immune system. Get help if you're having problems stopping. Finally, talk to someone you trust about using the greatest immune system booster, such as transfer factor plus or another, to improve your immunity and make you stronger and more perfect. The more you discuss your everyday problems with your self, the better you'll be able to handle them, and the less likely your immune system will be harmed by stress.

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