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Hair Loss in Women: Tips for Growing Healthy Hair Without Going Bald

By July 23, 2018 - 3:24am

Most men expect to encounter balding at some point in their lives. In fact, many experience it as early as their 20’s or 30’s. Women, on the other hand, aren’t usually prepared for hair loss. Thus, when they encounter it, they don’t always know how to respond.

The Scoop on Female Hair Loss

Hair loss might not seem that common in women, but it’s actually becoming very normal. WebMD notes that 40 percent of women have visible hair loss by the age of 40. That number would seemingly rise as women continue to age.

The problem is that hair loss in women doesn’t get nearly the same focus as hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness is a lucrative industry and doctors seem to just tell women to deal with their hair loss, while pouring all energy and focus into preventing male baldness.

This doesn’t mean all hope is lost, though. You don’t have to sit back and deal with hair loss in silence. There are plenty of ways to fight back and be proactive about the issue.

4 Tips for Addressing and Reversing Hair Loss

Hair loss is actually quite natural. A well renowned Hair Restoration organization points out, the average woman loses 50 to 100 pieces of hair each day. Under normal circumstances, this hair is regrown. When new hair doesn’t replace lost hair at an even ratio, balding ensues.

Hair loss in women is caused by numerous factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, pregnancy, and menopause. There are also certain conditions that lead to balding, including telogen effluvium, hereditary hair loss, hypothyroidism, lupus, and anemia. Understanding whether or not any of these come into play in your situation will help you figure out a plan of attack.

Every woman is different, but there are some common approaches hair care specialists and doctors suggest using to stop, overcome, and (possibly) reverse hair loss. Let’s investigate a few of them.

1. Lower Your Stress

For starters, you need to lower your stress. Excessive and chronic stress will quite literally make your hair fall out. It does so by raising androgen levels (male hormones), triggering scalp problems like dandruff, disrupting eating habits, and causing problems with the digestive system.

Make a list of the two or three biggest stressors in your life. For most people, this includes things like work, relationships, health, and money. Choosing to address these issues head-on, rather than suppress them, will have a positive impact on your overall health – including hair loss.

2. Take Care of Deficiencies

It’s entirely possible that you have some sort ofnutritional deficiency that’s causing your hair loss. The first thing to look at is an iron deficiency (also known as anemia). Millions of women lack iron, and one of the common symptoms is hair loss. By elevating levels through changes in diet (and possibly the addition of supplements, you can improve your body’s ability to produce hair cell protein.

Another common deficiency is a lack of vitamin B12, which impacts the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your tissues. If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, you face an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

3. Get Rid of DHT

One of the main culprits for female hair loss is dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When DHT gets inside of your hair follicles, it damages them and prevents healthy hair growth. While there are certain drugs you can take to block DHT – such as Propecia – women of childbearing age are told not to use it. A better solution is to go with a DHT-blocking shampoo (which is safer and more natural).

4. Be Smart About Hair Care

You might be styling and profiling, but are your trendy hairdos putting unnecessary stress on your scalp and follicles?

It’s best to avoid any hairstyle that places unnecessary force and friction on your hair. This includes tight braids, topknots, and other similar styles.

You Aren’t Alone

It might not get the same attention as male pattern baldness, but hair loss in women is quite common. Two out of five women will experience it by the age of 40, so you don’t have to go through it alone. Speak up, spark conversation, and look for solutions.

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