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6 Common Causes of Pelvic Pain in Women You Should Know

By November 29, 2021 - 6:36am

Pelvic pain is a symptom of a variety of health conditions. This can be a symptom of a problem with one of the reproductive organs in a woman’s pelvic area. Pain in the pelvic region can be persistent or arise during sex. Sometimes, pelvic pain indicates a serious health problem that requires prompt medical treatment.

Learn more about the causes of pelvic pain and the symptoms that may accompany these conditions.

1. Menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps are the most common cause of pelvic pain ​in women. More than half of women of reproductive age experience discomfort for at least 1–2 days every cycle. Menstrual cramps often occur right before a period begins, when the uterus contracts and loses its lining. The discomfort might seem like a muscle spasm or a jabbing sensation in your pelvic region.

Using a heated pad to ease the discomfort may help. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also ease the symptoms. If you experience severe menstrual discomfort, the doctor might suggest using prescription medications.

2. Fibroids
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that form inside the uterus. Fibroids are made of muscle and fibrous tissue. The size of the uterus may range from a seed to the size of the grapefruit. Fibroids may also be called uterine myomas or leiomyomas. Because small fibroids usually don’t cause symptoms, many women are unaware they have fibroids.

If you have larger fibroids, they can cause a variety of symptoms. You may experience heavy periods, pelvic pain, lower back pain, frequent urination, constipation, and pain during sex.

3. Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that affects organs of the female reproductive system. Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs when bacteria from your vagina spread to your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries.

Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe. Some women have no signs or symptoms at all. As a result, you may not realize you have it until symptoms like chronic pelvic pain appear.

4. Ectopic pregnancy
Any pregnancy begins with egg fertilization. Normally, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. But sometimes a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy.

In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg commonly implants in a fallopian tube, which transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the ovary, abdominal cavity, or the lower part of the uterus. It can produce a lot of symptoms including pelvic pain.

5. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a painful disorder. In this condition, the endometrium tissue which normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus. The endometrial tissue can spread to your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs. Rarely, endometrial tissue can spread beyond the pelvic region and spread to other parts of your body.

Endometriosis can cause different symptoms like severe pain during menstruation, pain during sex, and excessive bleeding. Fertility issues may also arise. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments that can help you manage symptoms and solve fertility problems.

6. Ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets that develop in the ovary to on its surface. Many women develop ovarian cysts at some point in their lives. Most ovarian cysts cause little or no discomfort and are completely harmless. Most cysts clear over a few months without treatment.

However, some ovarian cysts, particularly those that have ruptured can cause serious symptoms. Getting regular pelvic exams and being aware of the symptoms that can indicate a potentially serious problem can help you protect your health. An ovarian cyst can produce symptoms like pelvic pain, heaviness in your abdomen, bloating, and fever.

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