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6 Effective Tips on How to Manage PMS Symptoms

By September 12, 2022 - 4:25am

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a number of symptoms that begin around one week before every menstruation. In most cases, these symptoms are mild and usually disappear four days after your period begins. However, some women experience severe PMS symptoms that make them unable to work or study.

Over 90% of women report experiencing premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, migraines, and mood swings. If you suffer from PMS, you may alleviate your symptoms by changing your lifestyle. In this article, we have gathered six effective tips on how to manage PMS symptoms.

1. Try aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a technique that employs aromatic plant oils to give physical and psychological advantages. The evidence for aromatherapy's effects is inconsistent, but many people think that it helps them deal with stress, anxiety, and sleep issues.

Chamomile, clary sage, geranium, lavender, neroli, and rose are some of the most popular oils for PMS. Diluted oils can be added to bathwater, placed in an oil diffuser, diluted in a carrier oil, used as a massage oil, or inhaled directly from the bottle.

2. Meditate
According to research, mindful meditation can lower anxiety, tension, and pain, all of which are typical symptoms of PMS. Meditation encourages you to concentrate on your breathing and focus on the present moment.

Meditation can assist you in relaxing and detaching from unpleasant symptoms. You may download a meditation app on your mobile device or view hundreds of how-to meditation videos on YouTube.

3. Limit caffeine intake
Many of us turn to coffee to get over the fatigue that PMS may cause. However, if you consume a lot of caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee, or cola, you may want to try decreasing back to see if it helps with your PMS.

Caffeine has the ability to raise your heart rate and adrenaline levels. This, in turn, can contribute to emotions of stress and anxiety, as well as sleeping issues. Caffeine might also cause digestive problems for certain people. This may aggravate any nausea or upset stomach that may develop when your menstruation begins.

4. Exercise regularly
Exercising before and during your period, despite what you may think might be beneficial. Regular aerobic activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling are recommended. Endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are released during exercise. These molecules have a good impact on your mood and sleep.

Exercise can help stretch the muscles, which allows them to relax and reduce cramping. Yoga is one of the most effective forms of exercise for reducing PMS symptoms. This type of exercise is popular for treating PMS symptoms due to its soft motions and postures, as well as its low-impact nature.

5. Take vitamin B-6
Vitamin B-6 promotes the creation of neurotransmitters, which play an important part in mood regulation. It is a water-soluble vitamin found in a variety of foods, including chickpeas, fish (especially tuna and salmon), potatoes, beef liver, and organ meats. This vital vitamin is also included in many kinds of morning cereal.

Several small studies have discovered that taking a vitamin B-6 supplement on a regular basis may assist with several of the psychological symptoms of PMS, such as moodiness, irritability, and anxiety. However, because of the low quality of the present study, conclusions are still constrained.

6. Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is known to aggravate PMS symptoms for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it can cause swings in your blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling shaky and unstable. Secondly, it can keep you from obtaining a decent night's sleep, which can lead to even more tension and worry.

Thirdly, alcohol dehydrates, which can exacerbate menstruation pains, bloating, sleepiness, and difficulty focusing. Moreover, alcohol can decrease your body's stocks of essential minerals, such as zinc, which aids in the reduction of PMS symptoms.

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