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Healing Touch For Fertility and Sexuality

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I first met Belinda and Larry Wurn, authors of the recently published book: 'Miracle Moms, Better Sex, Less Pain.' at least five years ago when they exhibited at The American Fertility Association's (then hugely attended) fertility and adoption health fair. I caught a lot of flak for having them - because you know - they are "quacks". I didn't think so then - and I don't think so now.

You see - in our medical culture - we simply don't believe in the power of hands on touch - and we would never - ever - massage any area below the waist! We have rules about that! OK - maybe that is an overstatement. Everyone knows that I have a flare for the dramatic. Perhaps we are getting better at accepting touch as healing in our society.

There certainly have been enough studies of the power of healing touch in all aspects of our lives. Why not fertility and sexuality? The work that the Wurn's do with their hands has to do with helping female patients avoid surgery for adhesion-related conditions that cause female infertility, pain, and sexual dysfunction. From their press release:


"With over 700 pages, 'Miracle Moms' is an elegant combination of more than 80 heart-felt patient narratives, and 20 years of remarkable discovery and development of a 'hands-on' physical therapy, backed by published scientific research.

More than 100 original illustrations provide a visual journey into the body. The book explains why adhesions cause problems for millions of patients and their doctors, and why the unique manual therapy (Wurn Technique) was successful for so many women who were diagnosed 'beyond help' by their physicians - until this therapy fulfilled their dreams.

Top rated experts and physicians on these subjects are raving about this novel approach to women's health.

Christiane Northrup, MD, Ob/Gyn and 'New York Times' best-selling author (who wrote the Foreword) says "Your work is a Godsend… a safe, natural, and effective therapy to enhance fertility and pelvic health."

Harvard Medical School Instructor Dr. Lisa Conboy says, "Miracle Moms reads like a novel, rich in information…useful for people with pain or dysfunction. The use of patient narratives makes the therapy more understandable for health professionals and potential patients."

Dr. Howard T. Sharp, President of the International Pelvic Pain Society says, "Patients with chronic pelvic pain should not ignore the value of manipulation therapy. This book illustrates this point beautifully with both medical detail and emotion. Women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain will benefit greatly by reading this book, not only from the hope it exudes, but from the therapy it describes."

Healing touch, massage or "manipulation therapy" (whatever you want to call it) for pelvic health has been a time honored taboo subject. We are a society that is rightly concerned about sexual abuse - but we have thrown the baby out with the bath water on this one.

I have felt the power of healing touch on my body with a talented therapist who has incredible knowing hands. Ellen Heed in Los Angeles is always a stop I make when I am in town to have her work on the adhesions formed by my cesarean sections. And I have seen the power of manipulation or massage therapy work on a woman who was having sex ending pelvic pain after a difficult vaginal delivery. Her body was tormented by adhesions due to this difficult birth. After several weeks of working with a hands on therapist, her adhesions vanished and beautiful healthy pink skin replaced it. This woman reclaimed her sex life. Now how amazing is that?

Perhaps it is time to put aside disbelief that is veiled in social taboos. If we believe in the healing powers of food, stress reduction, acupuncture, and yoga - why is it so hard for us to embrace touch therapy for pelvic health and healing?

You know why - don't you?

It's because it involves someone touching us "down there".

Pamela Madsen is one of the nation's most outspoken and recognized fertility educators and patient advocates. The Fertility Advocate, Ms. Madsen's Blog has become the must read for all members of the fertility community with hundreds jacking into Ms. Madsen's funny, insightful and provocative posts every day. Ms. Madsen is the Founder of The American Fertility Association, and works with East Coast Fertility as the Director of Public Education. Ms. Madsen is reaching out to women-- and men—to integrate all aspects of the reproductive continuum from sexuality, infertility prevention, protection and treatment into the general health care of all women.

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