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Pregnancy Stages and Symptoms

By EmpowHER
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The 40 or so weeks of pregnancy are divided into three stages or trimesters that are each 12 - 13 weeks long. Each group of weeks brings dramatic changes to the developing baby and physical changes and symptoms for Mom. During the first trimester, weeks 1 – 12, hormone changes bring an end to your period, lack of energy, increase in urination, heartburn and upset stomach, tender breasts, cravings or distaste for certain foods, moodiness, and constipation. At twelve weeks, an ultrasound can sometimes determine the gender of the fetus. Some women report all, some or none of these symptoms. Each woman and each pregnancy are different.

During the second trimester, many women see their morning sickness and tiredness disappear. Normal changes to Mom’s body include enlarged belly, back ache, darkening of skin around the nipples, dark patches of skin on the face, and swelling in the face, ankles, and fingers.


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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well according to the symptoms which i read on a previous article, I had a vaginal discharge which was clear and thin, abdominal bloating (which I do get before my cycle starts, but not the other symptoms) light spotting and a slight pain on one side of my abdomen. I just thought it could be possible that we would be. Now i dont know what to do. If I go the rest of the day trying to protect myself, than I will know that it trully is my cycle and it seems to be off, because I usually have it every 28 days now it seems like its coming when its good and ready. I am very discouraged by this!!!!!!

November 2, 2011 - 7:29am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

By no means does a pregnant woman have to go through all of the symptoms of pregnancy. I, for example, never had nausea/vomiting at any point during my pregnancy. Nor did I have cravings or dark patches on my face. Not only is every woman different, but every pregnancy is unique and symptoms that you may have with your first child, you may not have with your second.



October 5, 2011 - 8:15am
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