How do you know when it’s the right time to move in with your significant other? You know that you love your partner and want to spend as much time with them as possible, but you still need to be sure that it’s the right time to take such a big step.
About 48 percent of women move in with their significant other before they get married, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With almost half of all women choosing to move in before marriage, it’s a growing trend that appeals to many people. You can see the full reality of the person you love before tying the knot, which can give you some insight onto what exactly you want in the relationship.
You may be ready to move in with your significant other if the following applies to you:
1. You’ve slept over with your partner before.
Before you decide that you are ready to sleep in the same bed as your partner every night, you need to try it out first. Whether you go on a vacation with your significant other or have them sleep over, you’ve experienced waking up to them in the past and you've enjoyed it. You may find that you cannot stand the way your partner snores and drools all over their pillow, or you may not be ready for them to see you with bed-head, which would indicate that moving in might not be the right step.
2. You’ve talked about the finances.
There’s a cost to moving in together. Whether you find that moving in together will help you cut costs of paying for your own place or this is your first home, you will have to figure out who is paying for what. Talking about finances may be an uncomfortable situation, but it is a necessary part of living together that you cannot avoid. If your partner is unwilling to discuss the money aspect of moving in, this may be a red flag that they are not ready to make the transition.
3. You’ve fought before and resolved the conflict.
Every healthy couple fights. If you do not have any conflict in your relationship, this could mean that you are still in the honeymoon phase or have fear in voicing your concerns. When you have a big fight with your significant other, you have to resolve it in a healthy way. Does your partner storm out of the room and refuse to speak to you after an argument? If so, this may mean they are not ready to move in.
4. You’re ready to give up some independence.
When you move in with your significant other, they become a much more constant figure in your life. Now the things that you use to do alone, you are doing with someone else. Instead of watching marathons of The Bachelor alone, you will have your partner there too who may not want to watch The Bachelor. You have to be ready to give up doing things alone, but you should not be expected to give up your identity.
5. You have passed the honeymoon phase of the relationship.
Have you progressed past the part of your relationship where you only see your partner as perfection? The honeymoon phase of the relationship is when you see your partner as having no flaws. The problem with moving in with someone during this phase is that it creates unrealistic expectations on your partner, which is unfair to both them and yourself. Try to see your partner through the eyes of someone else to determine that they are someone you want to move in with.
6. You feel 100 percent comfortable around your partner.
There’s going to be things that you do at home that you wouldn’t want anyone to see, let alone your significant other. You have to be comfortable enough around your partner to let them see your messy hair in the morning and be in the same vicinity as you when you have food poisoning. If you have not reached the point where you feel comfortable doing or saying anything to your partner, you may not be ready to move in with them.
7. You both are on the same page about the future of your relationship.
You should have a discussion with your partner before you move in about the future of your relationship. Do you both want to be with each other forever, or are they more interested in a short term fling? Having this discussion is the best way to ensure that you do not end up hurt if they never have intentions of taking things to another level.
Editing Note: This article did not filter through the normal EmpowHER editing and fact checking process. It was checked for spelling and grammar.
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