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Sarcoidosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Risks

By EmpowHER
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According to the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR), "Sarcoidosis (pronounced SAR-COY-DOE-SIS) is an inflammatory disease that can affect almost any organ in the body." The FSR also stated, ʺThe classic feature of sarcoidosis is the formation of granulomas, microscopic clumps of inflammatory cells that group together (and look like granules, hence the name).ʺ

The exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. However, some research points to a possible virus, bacteria, or chemicals activating the disease. Also, your genetic disposition may play a role.

The disease is rarely fatal. However, more than one-third of those diagnosed with sarcoidosis may develop some form of organ damage.

The FRS website provided the following factoids about sarcoidosis:

• Sarcoidosis is common and affects people worldwide

• Sarcoidosis affects people of any age, race and gender

• Sarcoidosis is most common among adults between the ages of

• Sarcoidosis is most common in African-Americans and those of European (especially Scandinavian)


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