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Falling for your Best Guy Friend: 6 Things To Keep in Mind

By HERWriter
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friends in love via Unsplash edited by Katelyn Greno

“I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend…”

Being in love with your best friend can be a dream. Your best friend knows pretty much everything about you. Your best friend is someone you can do anything with, so it makes sense that some of the best relationships start from friendships. Falling for your best friend can pan out in many different ways though, which is why it can be so scary. Here are a few things no one tells you about falling for your guy BFF:

1. Unsure of his feelings? Ask.

One of the hardest things is having a crush on your bestie but being unsure if he feels the same about you. You know you what your heart wants, but you’re either unsure because you are afraid to ask him, or he is confusing and doesn’t know what he wants and hasn’t communicated with you. I say if you are struggling with this, be forward. It’s that time for you to step up and pop the question because he could feel the same way.

2. It is the most amazing feeling ever if those feelings are reciprocated.

There is no better feeling than there being mutual feelings. You feel on top of the world. You feel even more connected than you ever have. You feel protected and safe. You feel like you have that person that just gets you, “your person”. It seems like happily ever after.

3. It can be frustrating.

What if he doesn’t feel the same? Your mind is so consumed with your feelings that they can get in the way. Your friend might talk to you about other girls and make you jealous. He may flake on plans because something came up but you might think he is avoiding you. He may not respond to your text and you may automatically think he’s mad or ignoring you on purpose. It is so important be rational, and when our feelings get in the way it can cause you to think irrationally. Remember to take a step back from the situation and think about it this way: Would you be stressing this much if you didn’t have romantic feelings?

4. It can be risky. (There could be heartbreak)

If you are the only one that has feelings, falling for him might be risky. Can you ever think of him as a normal best friend if it doesn’t work out? Will your feelings ever go away? Can you snap out of it? But if he does have feelings and you both want to move forward, the risk is still there. In this situation, I would take the risk because why not? The worst that could happen is trying something and it not going well. Taking risks isn’t supposed to be a bad thing. You just need to know it’s there. Everything happens for a reason. Just go with your gut and what will be, will be.

5. Trust your feelings and your heart.

This is so important. Only you know yourself and your feelings. If you want to talk to him about it, go for it. If you are second guessing it, don’t do it. The hardest decision in any person is whether to trust their head or their heart. I can’t even answer that, but it isn’t wrong to be vocal about your feelings because they are your feelings. Be open, be vulnerable.

6. If it doesn’t work out, it will be okay.

This goes hand in hand with #4. There is a risk with getting into any relationship; there could be heartbreak or you could find your true love. But just keep in mind that if your guy BFF doesn’t feel the same way or you guys move forward and it doesn’t work out, it will be okay. You might go through heartbreak and it might feel like the end of the world. It will be okay. It will get better in time. Remember that.

If you are falling for your best guy friend, keep these thoughts in the back of your mind. In any relationship there are good and bad. But we can’t dwell on the negative if things don’t go as planned. Falling for your best guy friend can be tough but it can also be incredible. I urge you to think rationally and always remember to do you and eventually everything will fall into place.

Editing Note: This article did not filter through the normal EmpowHER editing and fact checking process. It was checked for spelling and grammar.

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