Sexually transmitted diseases are viruses, bacteria or parasites that are passed through sexual contact. Some STDs may not cause symptoms right away, though infected individuals can still pass on these diseases to their sexual partners.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection in which the balance of good and harmful in the vagina becomes unbalanced, with an increase in the amount of harmful bacteria. While any woman can get bacterial vaginosis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that it is common among pregnant women. Certain activities put a woman at risk for getting bacterial vaginosis, including having multiple sex partners, having sex without a condom, or using an intrauterine device.

A common symptom of bacterial vaginosis is abnormal vaginal discharge. The discharge may appear gray or milky white; it may also appear thin, foamy or watery. An unpleasant odor may accompany the discharge. stated that for some women, the discharge has a fish-like odor after intercourse. Other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include irritation, burning when urinating, and itching. For other women, they may have no symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis is treated with an antibiotic, such as clindamycin and metronidazole. noted that men who have female sexual partners with bacterial vaginosis do not need to receive treatment.

Bacterial vaginosis does have some complications, such as increasing a woman’s risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.


Over 100 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) exist, with more than 40 types affecting the genital region, according to the HPV is spread though intercourse — vaginal, anal and oral. A partner can become infected even if her partner does not have any symptoms.

In about 90 percent of HPV cases, the virus clears without treatment within two years, according to the CDC. But there are strains of HPV that the immune system does not clear. The type of symptoms an infected individual has depends on the strain of HPV.

For example, some types of HPV can cause genital warts, in which the individual has sample bumps on her genital area. These warts can be raised or flat, and can range in size. Other kinds of warts can occur with HPV, including flat warts on the hands, neck or face. Plantar warts are on the feet and common warts are on the hands and fingers.

Another condition that can be caused by HPV is RRP (recurrent respiratory papillomatosis). Patients who have RRP have warts that grow in their throats, possibly blocking their airways. Symptoms include trouble breathing and a hoarse voice.

Certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. In the early stages, cervical cancer usually does not cause any symptoms. To detect the presence of cervical cancer, it is recommended that women have regular Pap tests.

Several medications are available to treat warts caused by HPV. Options include trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, podofilox and imiquimod. In cases in which medication does not help, patients may undergo surgical removal, laser surgery, electrocautery or cryotherapy.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bacterial Vaginosis. Web. 21 March 2012 Bacterial Vaginosis Fact Sheet. Web. 21 March 2012 HPV Infection. Web. 21 March 2012

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Web. 21 March 2012

Reviewed March 21, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith