After waking up from a vivid dream, we are sometimes left wondering if it had some sort of deeper meaning. More often than not, they connect with a very personal part of us considering they come directly from our unconscious minds. We can begin to explore the meanings of dreams by analyzing common dream symbols that often make their way into our dreams and how they relate to our lives.
Being Chased
This is a very common dream symbol that many people experience. When you have this dream it means that in someway you are feeling threatened. After having this dream, it could be beneficial to reflect on who or what is giving you the feeling of being threatened and what you can do about it.
After waking up from a dream featuring your partner acting unfaithfully you may question why you had this dream and even your partner’s faithfulness. However, this dream has nothing to do with your partner and more so with you. These dreams can be traced back to a guilty conscious or low self esteem. If you have a guilty conscious, it may be time to come clean.
No, don’t worry, you’re not secretly a murderer. Instead, this dream symbol represents the desire to ‘kill off’ a specific part of your own personality. Self-reflection if definitely important when it comes to this dream symbol in order to make the right changes and come to peace with yourself.
Coming across babies in dreamworld does not ultimately mean that you’re pregnant. Instead it calls upon your own desire or need to feel loved. What part of you feels neglected? Whether you don’t feel this way consciously, a small part of you is feeling vulnerable and needs some nurturing. Quite literally, it could also mean that you have the desire to have children.
Are you just super hungry? Maybe so. However, in many cases food actually symbolizes knowledge. At other times, food could serve as a warning symbol alerting the dreamer that they may in fact be allergic to the food they are dreaming about.
Dreaming about the undead may serve as more a nightmare rather than a dream, but this dream symbol in fact has some serious deeper meaning. Void of emotions and totally detached from others, zombies are essentially beings that embody zero goals or ambitions. This lifestyle could relate back to yourself or others in your life that have no plans for the future or lost their sense of direction in life. This may be a time to reflect on what your true life aspirations are or have a sincere talk with others in your life that appear to be misguided.
As grim as this dream symbol might sound, it actually has a positive meaning. Having a dream that your friend or loved one has died signifies change. This can mean ending certain aspects of your life and embarking on new beginnings.
Being Naked
We’ve definitely all had this nightmare of a dream, haven’t we? On a day to day basis, the clothes we choose to wear help us create our own identity. Being stripped of our clothes in a dream signifies exposure and the desire for recognition. It is the ultimate dream symbol that indicates the need to reveal our true self to others.
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Read more in Being HERhttp://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/30-common-dream-symbols.html
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