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Congenital Thyroid Disease, What Research Is Being Conducted? - Dr. Fagman (VIDEO)

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Congenital Thyroid Disease, What Research Is Being Conducted? - Dr. Fagman (VIDEO)
Congenital Thyroid Disease, What Research Is Being Conducted? - Dr. Fagman ...
4 of 4 : Current video

Dr. Fagman shares the congenital thyroid disease research he is currently conducting on mice and discusses how the possible discoveries could benefit humans.

Dr. Fagman:
Well, in congenital hypothyroidism, most kids have an ectopic thyroid gland, a thyroid that does not make this embryonic movement to its final location, and that is what we are focusing on right now. What genes regulate this movement and what, how does this movement take place? Do cells migrate finding their way or do surrounding structures influence movement of cells?

This is to understand ectopic thyroid, thyroid at wrong place, but more generally speaking, we hope this could contribute to the understanding of how cells move in general because you know cells move throughout the organ, throughout the body in development but also cancer cells move. They have to find their way to disseminate, to set a metastasis somewhere, and that is also one aspect of cell movement that we hope research on using the thyroid for modern system could contribute to.

Dr. Henrik Fagman, M.D., Ph.D.:
Henrik Fagman is a researcher focusing on the generation of animal models of thyroid dysgenesis at the Istituto di Ricerche Genetiche "Gaetano Salvatore", Biogem s.c.ar.l. in Ariano Irpino (AV), Italy. He has also conducted research and received his basic training at the Institute of Biomedicine at The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University in Göteborg, Sweden.

Thyroid Conditions

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