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Phone: (860) 567-8712

Among prep schools in CT, Forman School, a boarding school for ADHD, provides a unique learning environment for youth with diagnosed learning differences. Founded in 1930 by John Forman, the school focuses on providing a transformative education to promote multi-faceted learning and development for the whole student. The school is committed to research-driven teaching methods to fill the gap left by traditional institutions. Of private schools in CT, our approach is rather unique as it includes professional development and advanced teaching methods to further our mission. The Forman School is more than just an ADHD school; we provide a holistic, inclusive learning experience so that every student graduates with the skills and confidence they need to attend an institution of higher learning and succeed in life.

#ADHD school near me, #prep schools in CT, #private schools in CT

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Forman School


12 Norfolk Road, Litchfield, CT 06759, CT United States

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