THANK YOU, Michelle and!!! Approximately 8 months ago I asked Michelle, founder and head of, what I should do about my skin care. I told her that I did not have much ...
THANK YOU, Michelle and!!! Approximately 8 months ago I asked Michelle, founder and head of, what I should do about my skin care. I told her that I did not have much ...
Please see the interview from Dr.Elizabeth Vliet of Tucson, AZ from this morning on Fox News. This Doctor has helped many women I personally know and it is a huge problem for women that a ...
Michelle takes you along as she prepares and undergoes her recommended colonscopy procedure. She shared this personal experience to encourage all women to have their colonoscopy exams.
Has anyone had any experience with the Full Bars? I started eating them this week and think they really curb my appetite? I was wondering if anyone else has tried incorporating them into their ...
Has anyone had any experience with the Full Bars? I started eating them this week and think they really curb my appetite? I was wondering if anyone else has tried incorporating them into their ...
Michelle takes you along as she prepares and undergoes her recommended colonscopy procedure. She shared this personal experience to encourage all women to have their colonoscopy exams.
Hi - sometimes when i use my cream it never really dries and gets sticky in area where applied. does anyone have any insight into this matter? and also i like the cream and find it works best for ...
Hi - I use estrodial patches and creme, testoserone and progesterone. I have never had high cholestrol and it has gone up big time. Could this be side effects of the hormone treatments? Thanks and ...
Australia conducted and published results in 2007 on a 3-month, double-blind randomnized, placebo controlled study where 36 women participated. A daily doses of the male hormone Testosterone was ...
Good grief! Has anyone heard the news today?: Two women got into a fight over a toy in Toys R Us near Palm Springs, California. Their "men" got involved and ended up shooting each other with real ...
Good grief! Has anyone heard the news today?: Two women got into a fight over a toy in Toys R Us near Palm Springs, California. Their "men" got involved and ended up shooting each other with real ...
I just read about a rating agency that ranks/grades which hospitals and researchers. The source is HealthGrades America's 50 Best Hospital Report. The independent group evaluated 100 illion ...
Australia conducted and published results in 2007 on a 3-month, double-blind randomnized, placebo controlled study where 36 women participated. A daily doses of the male hormone Testosterone was ...
Hi - I use estrodial patches and creme, testoserone and progesterone. I have never had high cholestrol and it has gone up big time. Could this be side effects of the hormone treatments? Thanks and ...
THANK YOU, Michelle and!!! Approximately 8 months ago I asked Michelle, founder and head of, what I should do about my skin care. I told her that I did not have much ...
Boarder commented on Boarder's post THANK YOU, Michelle and - Wrinkles and Dry Skin