My friend used a product to moisturize her chapped lips so she put on a large amount of the cream.In effect,her lips turned dark as if she's a chain smoker but is actually not. I told her ill get ...

Is there a remedy for burned chapped lips?


I had experience several attacks already of my Multiple Sclerosis condition which was diagnosed only when I was 22. I have a neurologist who monitors my health every now and then. He prescribes ...

acidreighn03 commented on acidreighn03's post treatment for multiple sclerosis

acidreighn03 commented on acidreighn03's post what to do with irregular menstrual cycle?


I had experience several attacks already of my Multiple Sclerosis condition which was diagnosed only when I was 22. I have a neurologist who monitors my health every now and then. He prescribes ...

acidreighn03 commented on acidreighn03's post treatment for multiple sclerosis

acidreighn03 commented on acidreighn03's post what to do with irregular menstrual cycle?


I had experience several attacks already of my Multiple Sclerosis condition which was diagnosed only when I was 22. I have a neurologist who monitors my health every now and then. He prescribes ...

treatment for multiple sclerosis