Two years ago I suddenly began having double-vision. The neurologist did an MRi and said everything was fine except a history of migraines - and I have had migraines all of my adult life. The opthamologist said the same. It went away - and then returned suddenly again. In the meantime I was becoming more fatigued, irritable, angry for no reason, and depressed with no help from medications. I was on Levoxyl and that had helped. No longer - tired, dry skin, you name it. And sex drive? Hmmm, not sure where that went. 6 months ago they finally found I had near zero estrogen or testosterone - although that was a sudden change as well. So I was put on HRT by a great M.D. and that helped almost immediately. A month later, however, I passed out and likely also had seizure and when in ER my sodium was dangerously low - not other apparent reason for this happening. I had my heart checked including all the usual tests and came back healthy. Neurologist ran another MRI - fine. My GYN sent me to an endocrinologist and my cardiologist pushed for more testing for my pituitary. Finally - they find after 2 years a pituitary adenoma that is likely causing everything. But it took pushing by my cardiologist to get this addressed through a special MRI via my endo. We'll see where we go from here - but it has been a 2 years of high fatigue, low mood, and feeling labeled as having a history of depression rather than a strong look at the reasons. Thank for for 2 docs who kept pushing.
Two years ago I suddenly began having double-vision. The neurologist did an MRi and said everything was fine except a history of migraines - and I have had migraines all of my adult life. The ...
beths commented on beths' post Two year road to diagnosis of pituitary adenoma.