This question is just to satisfy my own curiosity. I understand that HPV stays in the body forever. And I also understand that around 80% of the population has some strain of HPV. So does this ...

Caty2011 commented on Caty2011's post HPV and 80% of the population


This question is just to satisfy my own curiosity. I understand that HPV stays in the body forever. And I also understand that around 80% of the population has some strain of HPV. So does this ...

HPV and 80% of the population


I'm interested to know how many feel that their doctor's provided them with sufficient and knowledgeable information regarding HPV either when you were initially diagnosed or at any time since ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post How Many Feel Their Doctor Adequately Explained HPV?


I'm interested to know how many feel that their doctor's provided them with sufficient and knowledgeable information regarding HPV either when you were initially diagnosed or at any time since ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post How Many Feel Their Doctor Adequately Explained HPV?


I recently found out I have HPV, more specifically genital warts. From my understanding my body can clear the virus, but never completely get rid of it. If I reach the point to where the virus ...

Caty2011 commented on Caty2011's post Can I get the same HPV virus twice?


I'm interested to know how many feel that their doctor's provided them with sufficient and knowledgeable information regarding HPV either when you were initially diagnosed or at any time since ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post How Many Feel Their Doctor Adequately Explained HPV?


I'm interested to know how many feel that their doctor's provided them with sufficient and knowledgeable information regarding HPV either when you were initially diagnosed or at any time since ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post How Many Feel Their Doctor Adequately Explained HPV?


I was devastated when I was told that I have genital warts. In my mind that is something that happened to other people, not me. So many questions were going through my mind. Who gave this to ...

There is a positive side to having HPV


For those of you who have joined this group please feel free to start your own discussion or ask any question(s) you may have regarding HPV. More than likely others will have the same or similar ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post Questions anyone?


I'm interested to know how many feel that their doctor's provided them with sufficient and knowledgeable information regarding HPV either when you were initially diagnosed or at any time since ...

Caty2011 commented on Bonnie Diraimondo RN's post How Many Feel Their Doctor Adequately Explained HPV?


I recently found out I have HPV, more specifically genital warts. From my understanding my body can clear the virus, but never completely get rid of it. If I reach the point to where the virus ...

Caty2011 commented on Caty2011's post Can I get the same HPV virus twice?


I recently found out I have HPV, more specifically genital warts. From my understanding my body can clear the virus, but never completely get rid of it. If I reach the point to where the virus ...

Caty2011 commented on Caty2011's post Can I get the same HPV virus twice?


I recently found out I have HPV, more specifically genital warts. From my understanding my body can clear the virus, but never completely get rid of it. If I reach the point to where the virus ...

Caty2011 commented on Caty2011's post Can I get the same HPV virus twice?

EmpowHER Guest

I was just diagnosed as being positive for HPV and will have a culposcopy in a few days. I've done some research and have read that once you have HPV that it will never go away. But I asked the ...

Caty2011 commented on Anonymous' post Can HPV go away on its own?


I recently found out I have HPV, more specifically genital warts. From my understanding my body can clear the virus, but never completely get rid of it. If I reach the point to where the virus ...

Can I get the same HPV virus twice?