“For so many, the holidays are a painful, difficult season. What do you see your clients struggling with most during this time of the year?” The interviewer was Dr. Connie Mariano, former White ...

A Jolly Concept… Let Yourself Indulge (a Merry Bit) Over the Holidays!


In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Health Expert" Dr. Julie Anné discusses eating disorders and children and how a parent can avoid having their children develop eating disorders.

How To Prevent Childhood Eating Disorders - HER Health Expert - Dr. Julie Anné


“If I eat the cake, won’t it make me fat?” Her struggle played out palpably across her young face, and I found myself stirred with a mixture of empathy -- and sorrow. “No, honey, the cake won’t ...

If I Eat the Cake, Won't It Make Me Fat?


In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Health Expert", Dr. Julie Anné discusses eating disorders and that there is hope for full recovery.

Eating Disorders - Dr. Julie Anné - HER Health Expert