Gail recalls her experience as an alcoholic.
Gail shares why she developed “Girls Gone Sober.”
Gail discusses the roles of prayer and faith in her continued sobriety.
Gail explains the importance of good communication when trying to stay sober.
Gail describes what her life is like now as a recovering alcoholic.
Gail explains how she copes with stressful situations now that she no longer drinks alcohol.
Gail shares how her relationship with alcohol changed after rehab.
Gail recalls if she ever wanted to quit rehab when trying to get sober.
Gail shares how alcoholism has affected her family.
Gail discusses the lies that alcoholics tell themselves.
Gail shares why she thinks she became an alcoholic.
Gail recalls her experience at the treatment center where she began her recovery from alcoholism.
Gail offers advice to women who are struggling to take the first step toward alcoholism recovery.
Gail shares how social networking helps her stay sober.