What are your thoughts on Bio-Identical HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)? I am reading reports from scientists and healthcare professionals claiming that they offer all sorts of wonderful ...

Katherine Mendel Henderson commented on Elaine83's post Thoughts on Bio-Identical HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)?


Hi, I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. My LMP was 2-19-2013. Bad part: my current boyfriend and I had broke up for about 2 wks. I had protected sex with an old friend using condom and pull out ...

Katherine Mendel Henderson commented on Katie Michelle Phillips' post Ashamed :/

EmpowHER Guest

I'm wondering if anyone has any information about vulvodynia & pregnancy? My pain has been the worst it has ever been since I fell pregnant (currently 15 weeks) and I'm worried about childbirth ...

Katherine Mendel Henderson commented on Anonymous' post Vulvodynia and pregnancy?