For me I really never thought about wellness growing up because it was the norm! My father was a dairy farmer, and we had our own garden. So we typically ate very healthy, and we were always very active!
Upon going to college though I soon realized that I was in a totally different environment! I quickly put on the freshmen fifteen, and little by little continued to do so! I also shifted gradually from my food of choice and began eating the foods that my friends enjoyed!
My senior year of college I began trying to break the mold that I had constructed for myself over the last four years, and began to fall back into the habits I was raised upon! Soon after college I got married and moved to Dallas, Texas. My husband and I were polar opposites when it came to overall wellness and nutrition! The next year though I stuck to my guns and continued to live my life where total body wellness was essential! Soon little by little though, I began eating a lot of things that were central to the area. Let’s just say growing up in Ohio, I had never heard of "Tex Mex"
So four years later, while lying in bed, I came to a huge realization. Everything good and right in my life required a lot of hard work, and determination! If I wanted to live a life of optimal health, then I had to fight for it! And for the first time in my life, I had to realize that it was ok to fight for me, and to say NO! Sometimes the people you love the most, are the very people that either hold you back from achieving your wellness or goals, or they tell you that you are ok where you are at!!!
So ever since that day I have never looked back ( at least not for long ) :) I now work for an amazing company that believes in helping people take their lives back when it comes to being healthy! I have never felt better, looked better, nor have been more determined to help change the world we live in, especially when it comes to improving our health!
What does it mean to live a life of transformation? For me it was like I didn’t realize my bad habits, and what they were doing to my body overall until I looked in my full length mirror one day, ...
keribrownlee commented on keribrownlee's post Are you trying to eat right, and exercize, but still dont see results, or feel good?