I'm not turning 40 until next year, but already feel like I'm supposed to act older or be different somehow. What's really different for the "over 40" set?

Lisa Oliver commented on Christine Jeffries' post So does it?


Do you notice changes in your child? Not all kids go through difficult times as a teen but some do ; causing parents to also face challenges. Talk about your life with your teen/tween here! We ...

Lisa Oliver commented on SusanC's post Are you the mother of a tween or teen?


I took a good look at myself this morning for the first time in who-knows-how-long and saw a woman who couldn't possibly have been me. She is the type who drives in the slow lane "just in ...

Lisa Oliver commented on kali.capps' post Who Are You and What Have You Done With Me?


I'm not near the stage yet but I know she's a comin' at some stage! Based on the women in my family, I'm about 15 years away from menopause but one never knows. I wonder how old other women ...

Lisa Oliver commented on SusanC's post When did menopause start for you?


Hi there, I know I am only new here but I wanted to share some of the things I have learned about myself this year and would love to hear your thoughts on what you have learned about yourself. ...

What things have you learned about yourself in 2010?


My boyfriend of 2 years passed about in June, what are some good ideas that I could do for his family for Christmas, I'm very close with them.

Lisa Oliver commented on Kayla_McKinney's post What to do???


My name is Kait. I'm 22 and live with bipolar II and severe anxiety disorder. Lately, I have had increased anxiety, insomnia, and more mania than usual. It feels awkward and annoying =/ ...

Lisa Oliver commented on Krazykait's post Hope everyone is doing well.


I personally have been very fortunate that my mind and spirit play a huge part in my own wellness journey. Over the past two years I have managed to physically heal my heart after two small heart ...

What do you think are the most important aspects of wellness?


The embryo growing day by day to its normal size before birth at one point of time dcides the sex all by itself, this is exactly the time mind takes its first, foremost decision in life, no ...

Lisa Oliver commented on NagarajaM's post who decides before our birth whether we or female


Hi there, My husband and I have been married for ten years - it is my third marriage after two previously physically abusive marriages, and his second (his first wife had an affair). We have ...

The better things get, the further he moves away from me...


i have 2 little kids and im always tired. i started taking antidepressants a few weeks ago and still feel depressed but hopeful. it has gotten somewhat better than it used to be... but i feel ...

Lisa Oliver commented on cuki's post always tired