Although everything is going well now!! I've only had 1 partner, and fear of never being able 2 have kids. I want 2 know how 2 share this important information.
Although everything is going well now!! I've only had 1 partner, and fear of never being able 2 have kids. I want 2 know how 2 share this important information.
I recently went 2 the Dr 4 a repeat pap afta 6 mos. Last August my pap came back abnormal, which lead me 2 hav a colposcopy done, followed by cryo surgery. I really dnt wanna believe I hav 2 go ...
Last period, NOV 12-16, Last intercorse NOV 20, used condoms. Cryosurgery DEC 1st, which can cause discharge n a lil bleeding. 2 weeks check up DEC 15, mild infection pills given. Looking 4 ...
Although everything is going well now!! I've only had 1 partner, and fear of never being able 2 have kids. I want 2 know how 2 share this important information.
muwhite commented on muwhite's post How do i tell my partner that i have HPV?