RS Mallory
I have 40 yrs Natural Remedy experience and was a teacher for 25 yrs. I never thought that sharing my knowledge with people would be so important, especially with the environment, our debilitating food supply, ecosystems and personal environments, not to mention Big Pharma and Monsanto. If you would like to chat about how YOU can help your family clean up your personal living environment, your body or homes, please contact me for a free consultation. 512.472.2604
#mainContent .contentImg { max-height:100%;} It has happened to all of us. You use a product that looks wonderful on the shelf and the next thing you know, you are having a skin reaction to it. ...
RS Mallory commented on Michele Blacksberg RN's post New SkinSAFE App by Dr. James Yiannias and EmpowHER!