I had bladder surgery the 29 of march for bladder surgery, have complained from the beginning that I could not sit upright due to pain, that I felt something there,full, crowded in the vaginal ...
I had bladder surgery the 29 of march for bladder surgery, have complained from the beginning that I could not sit upright due to pain, that I felt something there,full, crowded in the vaginal ...
I had bladder surgery the 29 of march for bladder surgery, have complained from the beginning that I could not sit upright due to pain, that I felt something there,full, crowded in the vaginal ...
I had bladder surgery the 29 of march for bladder surgery, have complained from the beginning that I could not sit upright due to pain, that I felt something there,full, crowded in the vaginal ...
I had bladder surgery the 29 of march for bladder surgery, have complained from the beginning that I could not sit upright due to pain, that I felt something there,full, crowded in the vaginal ...
Sherri Porter commented on Sherri Porter's post should this be seen about sooner? What else can it be?