Nearly one year after the Air Force, I began having occurrences of hives and swelling. The cause was never determined. Rashes on my arms would not submit to prescription creams. Tunnel vision would proceed headaches diagnosed as migraines. After exiting the AF, fatigue and depression set in along with arthritis and swelling. On a good hunch, my physician ran a set of tests indicating that I was flirting with Lupus. He said I know you feel like your youth has been stolen from you. At the age of 30, I felt like I was double that age and more. Needless to say, This was my initiation into a life of pharmaceuticals, rubs, teas, and needles. Lol
Ever since that conversation with my doctor, I have survived an emergency gallbladder extraction, remicade, humors, cellcept, methotrexate, prednisone, and plaque nil to name a few props.
Just received a call from my doctor's office telling me that tests show I have LUPUS! I'm scared as I know nothing about this decease! I have the DRY EYE SYNDROME and ...
skyheart commented on Finncess1's post I was diagnosed with Lupus today!