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Essential Oils for Improved Joint Health - Your Arm Pits Will Benefit Too!

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I have recently taken an interest in the benefits of essential oils. I enjoyed a luxurious foot rub not too long ago from a therapist, and she used a variety of scented oils, including rosemary, that just swept me away to another mental dimension. It was wonderful. I am so fascinated by how various scents can dramatically affect our mood, health, and well-being.

For example, did you know that rosemary promotes alertness and stimulates your memory? If you are going on a long car trip or have a lot of studying or reading to do, inhale a bit of this incredible scent. Rosemary oil can also aid in hair growth and thickness. Simply place one or two drops of the oil on your hair brush before brushing to help stimulate its growth and thickness.

When it comes to the health and vitality of your joints, muscles, and ligaments, essential oils can play a pivotal role. Here are a few fun and exciting examples, provided by Young Living Essential Oils:

**Several drops of peppermint oil rubbed onto an inflamed area of the body helps to reduce the swelling and pain.
**A few drops of peppermint oil can be rubbed onto joints that are affected by arthritis and tendonitis to alleviate associated pain and swelling.
**A blend of lemon, mandarin, bergamot, ylang ylang, rose, rosewood, geranium, palmarosa, Roman chamomile, and jasmine have an amazing effect when a few drops of this unique blend (called Joy at Young Living) can be rubbed onto areas of the body with poor circulation, allowing for improved blood flow. Interestingly enough, it can also be rubbed on the armpit as a great substitute for deodorant and can be rubbed on the feet to increase your libido.
**A unique blend of wintergreen, clove, peppermint, and helichrysum, called Panaway, can be applied topically to an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising. A few drops rubbed into arthritic hands can lessen the pain. If sciatic pain is an issue, rubbing a few drops of Panaway at the base of the spine can alleviate the pain.

There are three distinct ways in which to use essential oils: inhalation, topically, or by internal consumption. By inhaling, you simply smell them directly or you use a diffuser, which will disperse the oil in a very fine vapor into the air. You can also put a few drops of the oil into a bowl of hot water and place a towel over your head, covering the bowl, as well, and breathe in deeply.

When applying the oils topically, you should carefully tip the bottle and put two to three drops into the palm of your hand or directly onto the desired area of application. If you put the drops onto your hand, rub your palms together in a circular motion and then massage as needed into the desired area, using a circular motion.

Methods of consuming essential oils internally include adding one to drops of the oil to a glass of water or rice milk. You may also put a couple of drops onto a piece of bread or add them to your meals when cooking. Please note the warning at the end of this article about ingesting essential oils. You should first consult a medical doctor before taking any essential oils by mouth.

Mickey, a consultant and provider of the Young Living products, has educated me a bit on the essential oils offered by Young Living.

“The Young Living Essential Oils are top grade oils,” she explained. “The plants are planted at a certain time of the day, and are picked at a certain time to make a difference in the quality of the oils. They are diffused at a very low heat and for a very long time. I personally use them instead of turning to drugs as my first alternative. I prefer to use the oils and other food supplements to stay well.”

Mickey does advise to consult the Essential Oil Desk Reference book, which you can probably find at any library, to further educate yourself on the uses and benefits of essential oils. Knowing which oils to use and how to properly use them are key in achieving better health and lasting results.

It should also be noted that prior to using any essential oils, you should be aware of their potential side effects. Some oils can cause rashes or skin sensitivity to sunlight. Some studies have indicated that the use of essential oils while pregnant should be avoided, as they can potentially cause harm to the fetus.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is best to avoid oils that contain the more stimulating scents, such as rosemary and spike lavender.

Essential oils can be toxic if ingested, so, like any medication or treatment protocols you have at home, please keep all oils out of the reach of children. Even if ingested in small amounts, they can be very harmful.

Be sure to wash your hands before and after using any essential oils, too. If you were to touch your eyes with any of the residue on your hands, it could cause a harmful reaction or infection.

Essential oils are intended for topical use only. They should never be taken by mouth unless you are under the direct supervision of a medical doctor.

It is also advisable that people who suffer from allergies and asthma refrain from using essential oils, as well as individuals who are on chemotherapy or who have estrogen-dependent tumors.

Essential oils have been known to have adverse reactions when used while taking certain medications. Please consult your physician if you have any illness, disease, or physical condition before using essential oils of any kind. As with most things in life, there are benefits, but the balance of life also means there can be risks.

Educate yourself first. Consult with a professional. Then, enjoy the exciting aromas that are best for you.

For more information on the essential oils of Young Living, you can visit them on the web at www.mickey-yl.com and www.secretsofmothernature.com/mickey.
For additional information on the potential side effects of essential oils, please visit http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/aromatherapy-000347.htm.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.

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