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Improve Your Running by Learning to Run Naturally

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Continuing with my discussion about author Danny Abshire’s book, “Natural Running: The Simple Path to Stronger, Healthier Running." I could literally run with the ideas in this book for days! If you are a runner, whether occasional or die-hard, this book can potentially save you from chronic pain and injuries most often associated with the pleasure of running. Running should be pleasurable, by the way, not something that wreaks havoc on your body, leaving you feeling as if the couch is your best friend.

Understanding how to run naturally means understanding the foot. Most runners tend to run with their foot in front of the body, creating a heel strike in front of them. What this does is serve to slow you down. Most runners are simply not even aware of this form they so casually employ.

As Abshire pointed out to me, the heel striking motion many runners use is basically a walking gait. Our feet play a pivotal role in the way our bodies move for any type of gait. They sense the ground, relay information to our brains, and basically serve as our primary balancing mechanisms. Additionally, they allow us to brake, adapt, and stabilize.

For runners, the feet are the most important part of the body. However, until they begin to hurt or ache, we usually take them for granted. Let’s face it-- most of us are unaware of the work our feet our doing.

According to the information in Abshire’s book, our feet are comprised of 26 bones, 100 muscles, and 200,000 nerve endings. They also include a huge network of ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels.

While both of your feet may be the same length, they can vary in width, flexibility, range of motion, structure, strength, and flexibility. You are born with these differences. Other determining factors include our own unique habits, such as the shoes we wear, or injuries we have sustained that cause us to favor one foot over another, or even something as simple as a blister or a callus. These can have a major impact on how you run.

For purposes of natural running, the foot is comprised of three regions: the forefoot, the midfoot, and the rear foot. In his book, Abshire explained that the rear foot contains the heel and ankle systems, allowing for braking, adapting, and balancing. The heel bone naturally balances the body as the heel strikes the surface and allows for elastic recoil. However, the heel was not meant for the constant pounding of running.

The midfoot, also known as the archway, acts as the suspension system that works in conjunction with your ankle, legs, and core. When you run and strike at the midfoot region, the ankle is put in a stabilized position when your upper body mass is right above it. In short, the midfoot acts as a stabilizer between the rear foot and the forefoot.

The forefoot consists of the ball of your foot, as well as the toes. This allows for leverage and propulsion.

When you run naturally with light foot strikes at the midfoot and put the forefoot area under the center of your mass, you don’t have to worry so much about the issues of your rear foot, such as over pronation or over supination. When you strike at the midfoot, you have eliminated the need of the braking system of the rear foot. With a natural or stable forefoot, you have balanced your foot and body and are ready to leave the ground for that next perfect step. According to Abshire, this significantly cuts down on the impact, minimizes braking time, and frees you up to run faster and more efficiently. Who knows? You just might increase your race times!

While this is but a mere glimpse into the elements of natural running, I hope it has at least intrigued your interest to learn more. Abshire has even created a shoe that allows for natural running. Visit his web site at www.newtonrunning.com for more information.

Source: “Natural Running: The Simple Path to Stronger, Healthier Running."

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