This may seem like an odd question, and I feel odd asking it! I really don't know when this started. Whenever my face gets just the slightest bit sweaty, which happens often in humid weather, one side of my face starts itching terribly. The area is next to my nose, under my eye, under where the lenses of my reading glasses would be. I mention the reading glasses because, since I'm sensitive to metal, I wear rimless lenses.
Can I actually be allergic to my own sweat? Is it possible that a high acidity level could be at the root of the problem?
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It's more likely a reaction to the heat. Anything that increases blood flow can itch.
July 18, 2008 - 1:26pmThis Comment
Could this be an allergic reaction to cosmetics?
I found this on contact dermatitis: Allergic and Contact Dermatitis
Perhaps a dermatologist might be able to help figure this out.
July 17, 2008 - 6:19pmThis Comment