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can going to the clinic too many times cause stretch to the vagina?

By Anonymous May 13, 2009 - 5:31pm
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EmpowHER Guest

I am assuming "going to the clinic" is referring to obtaining pelvic exams or some type of GYN procedure. Repeated pelvic exams with standard speculums and manual exams will have just about no effect in the diameter or depth of the vagina. The vaginal canal is very forgiving and bounces back to its normal size quite well in most all instances. Temporary looseness or laxity of the vaginal walls may occur but it is never permanent or longer than minutes in my opinion. Kegel exercises may help in reducing the incidence of an accidental leakage of urine but it has almost no effect whatsoever in tightening or narrowing the diameter of the vagina. Kegels is almost worthless in pelvic prolapse cases and does not result in reduction of cystoceles, rectoceles, enteroceles, vaginal prolapse, or uterine prolapse. Kegels in these conditions just does not work.

Hope this helps.

Red Alinsod, M.D.

December 11, 2009 - 4:31pm

The vagina can be stretched out after childbirth, but can also return to normal and be further strengthened by doing Kegel exercises.

The vaginal wall is stretched a bit by the speculum during a routine pelvic examination. but the vaginal wall should go back to normal, afterwards.

If there are other circumstances, those should be discussed with your doctor.

May 13, 2009 - 5:51pm
EmpowHER Guest

my friend's wife told him that her vagina was loose because she goes to the doctor too many times. that is not true. i believe she is trying to cover up that she had sex with someone else.

May 13, 2009 - 5:36pm
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