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Can you get pregnant from missing pills after unprotected sex?

By Anonymous January 22, 2010 - 12:31pm
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I am a first day starter and missed the first pill of my pack (started a day late) I take Yaz. according to the pill pack, it says missing only one in the first week requires no back up protection. At the end of that first week (The day after the last day of withdrawal bleeding) I had unprotected sex, though my partner withdrew. On Tuesday and Wednesday (the sex was on sunday) I missed my pills, and doubled up on Thursday and Friday. What are the chances of pregancy?

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EmpowHER Guest

I skipped my pill (tricycln) Sunday and Monday which was on my third week than doubled up Tuesday and wednesday than took my normal Thursday one than was suppose to take my new pack instead of taking my placebo pill on Friday but I didn't I just took that week off of pills than had unprotected sex that Saturday and Sunday . I'm still waiting to take my new pack this Friday. Could I get pregnant? And if I start taking my pills again it's Friday will j be protected in about a week?

February 18, 2016 - 5:03pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Should I be worried of pregnancy If I skipped pills than was suppose to go on a new pack of pills but I didn't. Instead I went on my placebo pills than had unprotected sex twice. Now I'm so bloated and feel sick. Could this be pregnancy symptoms or my body confused cause i missed pills. I'm suppose to take my new pack today should I?

February 19, 2016 - 9:21am
EmpowHER Guest

hi, I am on yaz birth control. this is my 3rd month on yaz. I started my 3rd pack on the Sunday as usual, I missed Tuesday in the first week but then took 2 pill Wednesday, then Friday in the first week I had unprotected sex and forgot to take the pill, but took 2 pills Saturday. I decided to get plan B and take it Sunday just in case, but I still continued to take my birth control normally. I've taken my pill perfectly the second week, but had unprotected sex Saturday of the second week, still remembering to take my birth control. am I likely to get pregnant or am I covered?

January 10, 2016 - 11:23am
EmpowHER Guest

I take my combined pill religiously at 7am every morning, I took it Friday morning and went out and had sex on Friday night/Saturday morning without taking my pill the usual time, I took it when I got home in the 12 hour gap but was I protected from pregnancy happening?
Thank you :)

January 9, 2016 - 3:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had the same situation, been in yaz for 7mos now and consistently taking the pills on time, so unfortunate i forgot to take my pill on the 5th day of the week 1 of my new pack and had unprotected sex the same day,took 1 pill the following day though i was 20hrs late and took the other one on my usual time, is there a chance i get pregnant ? Badly need you advise...

January 8, 2016 - 6:01am
EmpowHER Guest

I had the same situtaion, been in yaz for 7mos now and consistently taking the pills on time, so unfortunate i forgot to take my pill on the 5th day of the week 1 of my new pack and had unprotected sex the same day,took 1 pill the following day though i was 20hrs late and took the other one on my usual time, is there a change i get pregnant ? Badly need you advise...

January 8, 2016 - 5:56am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I'm a Sunday starter, but I was late taking the pill. I then missed a pill 3 days later and had unprotected sex the morning after I missed one of my pills. I didn't remember to take the pill I missed until that afternoon but I did double up that day. Should I have anything to worry about?

January 5, 2016 - 5:40am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I am on alesse and had unprotetcted sex though he did npt cum inside me on a Saturday night and took a placebo pill the next day instead of my 3rd active pill in the first week of the pack by accident. Today (monday) I realized and took the pill missed plus my usual at the correct time. Do I need emergency contraception or should I just continue use of the pack as normal?

January 4, 2016 - 9:03am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello, I started my pill on a Sunday. I missed one day of taking my pill, the second Thursday. I had unprotected sex that following morning without pulling out, but didn't remember to take my pill until 2 something that same day. What are my risk of getting pregnant??

January 4, 2016 - 6:22am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

If you did not make up for the missed dose and took the next day's dose later than normal. there could be a very slight risk. Check with your gynecologist.


January 4, 2016 - 7:11am
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