My 58 yr old sister had a stroke(3 bleeds in the left parietal region) right side paralyzes in Dec. She has a history of hypertension, extreme anxiety and claustrophobia. Takes meds for b/p, to keep her cholestrol and triglycerides under control. Family stayed with her 24/7 till she came home. She still has family with her while her husband works. We are thankful many of us are in the medical field and are able to continue therapy after therapist leave. She walks with a full leg brace and gaite belt. Her arm is showing gross movement and yesterday moved her fingers withless arm movement. But she refuses to take any meds for anxiety, while talking with her yesterday she expressed the feeling she wished we didn't bring her back( As her sister I wasn't ready to lose her and had many friends prayng for her.) Is this normal and what can I do?
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Has she said why she does not want to take the anxiety medicines?
Your sister may be dealing with a significant depression due to thinking about her life before the stroke and her life after the stroke. Obviously she is surrounded by loving and capable family members, but, like Miscortes said, that also is probably significant to her because she has to be so dependent now.
Was her speech affected? Or her ability to read?
Before the stroke, was she an active woman? Did she exercise? Does she love music? Art? What are a couple of things that she used to be involved in? Can you find a way to integrate that into her daily life?
Does her therapy program include any mental therapy?
March 9, 2010 - 8:48amThis Comment
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you so much for your question and I am truly sorry to hear about your sister going through the emotional pain. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. I am not sure it is a common to wish you had died but I know that most traumatic experiences that are debilitating may cause people to rethink their lives. Think of it in this sense, she now has to be cared for by family members and maybe she feels as if she is a nuisance.
There are help groups or therapy that she can attend to help with her new lifestyle. Is this something that you could maybe talk her into? I would also think that having so much support from the family members would help her accept her new lifestyle as well. Did she used to live independently prior to the stroke?
Here is a website I found about therapy after life altering experiences from At
I think many of the above factors may play into the fact that she feels the way she does. Counseling sessions and family support would play a great role.
Does this help you? Would you kindly keep us posted?
March 7, 2010 - 11:25amThis Comment