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Can I have a glasses of beer been told on boarder line for diabetes
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Hello Anonymous,
Welcome to EmpowHER. That question is best answered by your primary care physician, who knows what your blood glucose level is and your risk factors for being on the borderline of having diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association recommends, "People with diabetes should follow the same guidelines as those without diabetes if they choose to drink:
Women should have no more than 1 drink per day.
Men should have no more than 2 drinks per day.
*One drink is equal to a 12 oz beer, 5 oz glass of wine or 1 ½ oz distilled spirits (vodka, whiskey, gin, etc.).
Alcohol can cause hypoglycemia shortly after drinking and for up to 24 hours after drinking. - "
March 7, 2016 - 10:12amMaryann
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