I recently noticed a slight pain when I touch an area near the crease of my thigh and the top part of my vagina, but not really my vagina. I am not sure if it is from stretching my legs too far, or maybe it could be a hernia because I had one on the opposite side when I was little. I haven't really noticed any swelling though. I know there are a lot of lymph nodes in this area, but both sides feel the same. It sometimes hurts when I push my legs too close together too. If you could provide any insights, I would be extremely grateful.
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From what you've described, it sounds like the pain is in your groin.
Does one side hurts more than the other?
Does it feel better if you're lying down?
Does it feel as though something is pushing through?
I'm not a medical professional, but I recently had a bout of mysenteric lymphadenitis, when a lymph gland was swollen due to a bacterial infection. However, because it was on the left side, my doctor is checking me for possible diverticulitis.
Apparently, a hernia can also be felt that low down, according to a friend of mine who is going through that right now.
Do you have any of these hernia symptoms?
Find an explanation of groin hernia on empowHer.
So, it's best to check with your doctor.
July 17, 2009 - 4:30pmThis Comment