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HCG Levels

By Anonymous March 3, 2011 - 10:22am
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Hi, I just need to know that what should be the beta hcg levels in the bosy after having normal periods? Should it be zero or it can be anywhere less then 2 or 5?


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Generally, HCG levels under 5 mIU/ml means there is not a pregnancy.

There are some medications used for infertility that may contain HCG, and other factors that are not considered in this answer.

Are you trying to conceive?

March 3, 2011 - 12:15pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi Alison,

Thanks for your reply. Actually no I do not want to be pregnant now. I had unprotected sex on 26 of dec (my periods were due anytime then)and periods got delayed by at least 12 days and came on 7th jan. It was normal 5 days bleeding like in my periods. In February it should be around 6th or 7th but it got delayed till 23rd of feb. As it was late for so long I got beta hcg test done on 22nd of Feb and it cam 1.2 .The next day on 23rd feb I got my periods for 5 days. (23-27th) . I need to know that was the time I did blood hcg test was enough for the test to be positive if pregnancy was viable or should I consider another blood hcg even if I consider that it was not my periods as it was so late just to make sure about being pregnant. Also tell me that is it normal for having 1.2 level in every women body without having sex.

Thanks in advance.

March 3, 2011 - 12:29pm
(reply to Anonymous)

You had your regular menstrual period on February 23rd, two months after having unprotected sex. This means you are not pregnant.

Women can have HCG levels under 5 and it indicates they are not pregnant, assuming many other factors (including the HCG level does not increase above 5).

A 1.2 HCG test would indicate a negative pregnancy at the time of testing---did the doctor or nurse talk with you about the test results?

March 3, 2011 - 12:44pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi Alison,
Thanks for your reply. So do you think that that was too early for a blood test to be taken and should I need to take another one now just to make sure. Let me know about your thoughts. I am just worried because of the fact that may be I have taken the test too early and as periods were late by around 16 days. If I take the test now should it need to be zero or again it can be around 1.2

March 3, 2011 - 12:54pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
In addition to what Alison has told you, wanted to share the test results chart for blood work related to menstruation and pregnancy:
hCG beta levels:
Non-pregnant females = <5 mU/mL
Pregnant females =
0-1 weeks - 0-50mU/mL
1-2 weeks - 40-300mU/mL
2-3 weeks - 100-5,000mU/mL
3-4 weeks - 500-10,000mU/mL
4-5 weeks - 1,000-50,000mU/mL
5-6 weeks - 10,000-100,000mU/mL
6-8 weeks - 15,000-200,000mU/mL
2-3 months - 10,000-100,000mU/mL

Progesterone levels:
Normal Menstruating Females
Follicular Phase - 0.2-1.4ng/mL (This is when you have your period and the time until you ovulate)
Luteal Phase - 3.3-25.6ng/mL (This is when you are ovulating)
Mid-luteal Phase - 4.4-28.0ng/mL (This is the time between ovulation and your next period)

Pregnant Females
1st Trimester - 11.2-90.0ng/mL
2nd Trimester - 25.6-89.4ng/mL
3rd Trimester - 48.4-422.5ng/mL

Post Menopausal Females - <0.1-0.7ng/mL

So your level of 1.2 clearly indicates that you were not pregnant at the time of testing. If your period was late by an estimated 16 days, results should accurate for testing at that time.
Hope this information helps clear up any confusion you may be having.

March 3, 2011 - 1:39pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Christine Jeffries)

Okay mine says <1 what does this mean

October 27, 2016 - 6:10am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Christine Jeffries)

Hi Christine,
Thanks a lot. I am quite satisfied now that I am not pregnant. It was my first sex and I think stress of being pregnant was the only cause for getting my periods late. Does beta hcg need to be zero to ovulate? or anthing until 5 is fine.

thanks again

March 3, 2011 - 2:05pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Christine,
Also was the bleeding which started from 7th jan was not enough for showing not pregnant?

March 3, 2011 - 2:09pm
(reply to Anonymous)

The period you had 7th Jan, you said, was 5 days in length. That also is a clear indicator that you were not pregnant from the sex on Dec. 26th. You may want to work on making sure you are prepared for the next encounter so you don't have to put yourself through all this stress again. Condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy if used correctly and every time you are intimate with someone. Birth control pills are 99% effective, and the withdrawal method is about 70% effective. If you need more information about contraception, let us know.
Take care~

March 4, 2011 - 8:15am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Christine Jeffries)

Hi Christine,

Thanks again for being so patient with me. I really appreciate that you people are doing such a great job helping the women. Can you tell me what do you mean by saying: (from lmp or from implantation)
Pregnant females =
0-1 weeks - 0-50mU/mL and so on..

March 4, 2011 - 9:16am
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