my aunt die of chrinc lukcemia and i just dnt understand how could it happen all in one week she looked in good condition of health she had dabetis type 2 but no symptoms of lukcemia. i just dnt understand how the doctors didnt diegnost her on time with lukcemia when she was going to the hospital almost all her life how come the doctores could see the lukcemia on time i just dnt understand i need answers to my questions of it was the doctores falt or it was just the deases that she died in 15 days of been on the hospital and into the las days of her llife they found the lukcemia i just dnt understand if some could just help me understand this ?
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Dear Anonymous,
I am very sorry about the loss of your aunt. Unfortunately, you do need answers and the only place that can give you these answers is the hospital. I believe you would have to be next of kin to her to be able to request her full medical record and you can consult with a malpractice lawyer to help you understand what you are reading, if nothing else. I am not telling you to sue the hospital, since there may have been appropriate tests ran and nothing detected. However you might need some help reading a medical record and they may be the ones to help you with that.
Best of luck and take care,
March 17, 2013 - 4:09pmThis Comment