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how do I know when pityriasis rosea is healing?

By Anonymous May 21, 2010 - 6:21am
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I was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea almost 6 weeks ago. Apparently it takes 6-8 weeks to disappear, but I keep finding new spots every time I shower, new red spots seem to pop up. The first ones I got seem to keep changing. Does anyone know what these spots are meant to look like before they just disappear?

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hello, I'm getting married in August and have PR for about 2 weeks now, it's very itchy so today I'll hit the sunbed and see how it goes.
I'm under a lot of stress in my job and also because of the wedding, I think it might be conected (?)

June 15, 2015 - 12:56pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Tia, I don't think that you're doing anything wrong. I think the spread is apart of the process. Mine also started spreading all over my stomach, chest, basically any place on the body that's covered from the sun. Mine started while cleaning so I'm treating it organically. I just started using PURE 100% Oil of Oregano and I dilute it with organic coconut oil and guess what? It's working! This stuff is pretty powerful so you only have to use a drop and I'm taking it internally as well. Its a bit expensive but I'll try anything at this point. Its about $30 an ounce. I'm bathing in Dr. Bonners organic soap and then I appy the oil mix which also stops the itching. The only problem is because you work in an office the smell of the oregano oil is pretty strong but it does relieve the itching and it heals the breakouts. I've layed out in the sun this week on my 2nd floor and that helped. Next I'll try the tanning bed with my oil mix. Anyway, I hope this helps. I can't wait for this to be gone and I'm sure you feel the same. Chantal

November 1, 2014 - 12:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am going to give some very good advice about PR!!
I was completely mortified when this terrible rash started up on my stomach and front, and spread like a Xmas tree all over my body. after begging doctor for any drug (placebo...I did not even care at this stage) they told me it could last for up to 4 months. Went to the dermatologist who said the same thing and then gave me some strong hydrocortisone for itch and inflammation. Very depressing, as I had lots of media appearances at this time, and it started creeping up my neck and I got a couple on my face although they rarely apparently go to your face!
So...I googled far and wide and worked out a treatment plan.
Got head and shoulders shampoo with almond oil and used as body was twice a day. Used the cortisone and mixed this with Plevanyl (antifungal cream) and slathered over my body and covered this with Dermaveen (an oatmeal moisturiser)
But I think the most success was that I have had three 6 minute sessions in the solarium. The first session I burnt mildly and it looked worse, but within two days it started to go. I have now had my third and you wouldnt even notice them, although a few there - I am still dong treatment and doing 3 x 6 minute sessions in tanning bed for the next two weeks.
Seriously...I was done within a week of doing the treatment.
Sharing this because all the GP/ specialist were saying it could last up to 4 months which was totally depressing.
I still have bits and pieces but can wear all my dresses etc and noone would notice. Also, got a light tan from the tanning bed whihc is quite good - as doing that really safely. As the tanning salon they keep wanting me to have more minutes so I can get really brown but my visit there is for other reasons!!
:) Have a go

October 25, 2014 - 6:13pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi , I had PR for three times now. One in 2004, 2006 and just last year. My skin become totally fine after 3 months from start to finish. My case triggers with certain food allergy, I'll have a unique sore throat then boom, herald patch will occur. I Know the major impact of this is more on psychological but keep in mind, it will eventually go away. Don't let it bring your self confidence down.

October 23, 2014 - 5:33pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Guys,

I was diagnosed with PR a month ago, it started with one herald patch on my back, then suddenly after two days I had small red itching pimples on my back my breast and armpits. i thouhgt there was something really wrong abput me untill I did research.

its terrible but I feel better knowing I am not alone.

October 20, 2014 - 7:24am
EmpowHER Guest

My son is 3 1/2 and was just diagnosed with PR... Seeing he so little and how bad this is I am freaking out.... Its everywhere... Groin, legs, back, kneck, groin, under arms and now by his eyes.... Its been almost 4 weeks and we are reaching the peak I feel like... Is this normal?,I have been doing research but its so vague.... We are on an antibiotic and cream.... What else can I do and does it get this severe?, How long does it take to fully come out and go away?,please

Scared and uneducated Mom on PR

October 18, 2014 - 4:47pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Dear Mom:

This information on pediatric PR, from pediatric resources, may answer some of your questions.



Hope this helps,


October 19, 2014 - 12:37pm
EmpowHER Guest

I think I am suffering from PR. I am now into week three with the rash. Before that they thought it was hives, but steroids did not work. Went to doc again yesterday and we are going to give it one more week before she does a skin biopsy. I have the rash between by cleavage and under the breasts, and pretty much all over by back up into my hair (I have very thick naturally curly hair) and front of my neck. I have also a sore throat and my lymph nodes are swollen, especially in areas where the rash is (e.g. neck and back of head). Did anyone else have theses symptoms? I also have some spots on my palms, not a lot but a few. Has anyone else had this? I know it is uncommon to have on face and hands, but not unheard of. I even have a few on my face. Just really want to find out if this is what it is. I tested negative for strep and mono, leading my dr to believe it is viral and likely PR. So far, I don't have much itchiness, except for the areas that are starting to scale. Just looking for similar experiences. Thanks!

October 14, 2014 - 9:29am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi there,

I feel for you. Hoping by now you are going to reply telling me it's over with. You literally couldn't have described it better for my situation. I have no idea how I got it and it just started with a random spot on my left breast and then it's gone to my breasts and in between and my stomach. It's ridiculous. It's turned itchy all of a sudden and I am feeling self conscious for the first time ever. My eyes feel itchy and I have some spots on my face, my ears, the eye kids, it's weird. I wish a doctor (I've seen 4!!!!) who've I seen and can't help me would have told me sooner or told me what I could do to help, I'm waiting for this to end, but does this mean I have to go weeks on end looking and feeling embarrassed in front of my own husband because I'm looking like I'm a dam person having having chicken pocks?

November 18, 2014 - 12:00am

I was diagnosed with PR a month ago, I can't wait for it to go away!! I tried the Head and Shoulder today, hopefully it helps. I'm so thankful i found this blog!!

October 13, 2014 - 1:00pm
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