I got a pair of the Sketcher rounded bottom walking shoes and had begun wearing them to work 4 days out of 5 to work. I am on my feet for five hours a day for the four days. My leg muscles have become very tight and well defined but my toenails are coming in double. Nothing hurts and the shoes are not tight on my feet. I can wear cushioned sox with the shoes and they are not at all binding on my feet. Is the "exercise " I get with the shoes causing the double growth?
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Hi Kathy,
November 22, 2010 - 9:19amThanks for your question and for finding EmpowHER.
Have you asked a podiatrist or your general practitioner about this? Were you fitted for the shoes? If you think the shoes are the cause, or there is some other reason for concern, you may want to ask a doctor about that too.
Here is a similar question to yours and the answer:
Double Toenail
Good luck and let us know what a doctor says. Your experience may be able to help someone else.
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