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i have a very dry skin and every day i have to use glycerine to keep it wet. After a wash, i never can stay without some cream on me. my skin is wrinkled and it gives me an old look. i m 25 years old and appreciate if you could give an advice !
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Anon - The best thing to do, as Alison said, is to see a dermatologist to determine what is causing your skin condition. The following article from the Mayo Clinic will help in better understanding why it's important to see a doctor and how dry skin conditions are treated.
If you are not interested in seeing the dermatologist then the following article from WebMD has dry skin product recommendations:
Good luck! Pat
November 17, 2010 - 5:12pmThis Comment
thank you very much !
November 17, 2010 - 10:23pmThis Comment
Hi. I don't know if you are aware but Glycerine is actually not very good for the skin in large amounts. It just clings onto skin like cling film and doesn't allow your skin to breathe.
Drink plenty of water, that really does help.
(Comments edited to remove commercial product reference and website.)
November 16, 2010 - 3:49pmThis Comment
are there any other skin treatments that i can do ? please advice !
November 16, 2010 - 8:12pmThis Comment
Do you use sunscreen, avoid tanning salons, and stay well-hydrated?
If so, have you talked with a Dermatologist about your condition? I can provide numerous links from the EmpowHER site related to women's use of different creams and lotions for dry skin and eczema, but you may want to talk to a doctor about your specific condition first, to know if there is an underlying cause.
November 16, 2010 - 2:22pmThis Comment