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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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(reply to mustang mollie)

Yes, you can most certainly get pregnant when missing 2 or more birth control pills and then stopping them completely (and having sex multiple times), especially if you just started using the pills for the first time.

Where you provided instructions on how to use the pills, what to do when you miss a pill, and what to do when you miss 2 or 3 pills in-a-row? Also, stopping the pills completely and then having unprotected sex is extremely risky behavior--are you trying to become pregnant?

August 30, 2009 - 6:42am
EmpowHER Guest

My generic Ovcon-35 BC prescription has run out (I've been on this birth control for one year) and my husband and I will be using condoms for contraception in the future due to an awful experience with the OBGYN last year. I stopped taking my active pill two days ago (27th), on day 1 of my third week of active pills (I no longer have the remainder of the pack, that is why I stopped at the start of my third active week). My question is how many days would it be safe for us to make love naturally before having to start using the dreaded condoms? Unfortunately, we have to avoid pregnancy. Can we still make love for 7 days of inactive pills; can we go 2 or 3 days longer before risk of sperm being in there before ovulation could possibly occur? I would love to go 9 or 10 days post active pills without condoms, but I don't want to overly risk it. Also, as a side note, I regularly spot and cramp for about 5 days during each 2nd active pill week (so I was spotting through Monday, and my last pill I took was Thursday). Sometimes I think it's because I am ovulating anyway, because of the many symptoms I consistently have during that time.

Hopefully I am making sense. Thank you for any advice.

August 29, 2009 - 1:41pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Interesting question! Since you stopped taking your "active pills", you should use a condom with every-single intercourse, unfortunately. Anytime you miss 2 or more pills in-a-row, there is a chance for pregnancy.

When you are using hormonal contraception, you don't actually ovulate (the pills work in many different ways, one of these is by preventing the release of an egg from your ovaries--ovulation), and therefore, when you stop using the pills, you can not know exactly when your body is going to "resume" its natural progression through the cycle to begin ovulating.

August 30, 2009 - 6:47am
EmpowHER Guest

my boyfriend and i have been sexually active for about 4 months. for the first 3 i took ocella but then switched to yaz. we had sex on the first day of my 4th week. then the very next day i took 2 pills by accident. then i skipped 2 white pills and am finishing off the last 2. ever since going on birth control i have always started on a wednesday, i havent yet and it's saturday. im reallly freaking out. am i pregnant? or did i just mess up my schedule?

August 29, 2009 - 3:53am

Thank you very much. That really eases my mind!

August 28, 2009 - 1:18pm

I am a worrier. I always worry that I'm pregnant every month. I am on Desogen and missed one pill this month. I took it the next day when I remembered which means I took two in one day. Me and my boyfriend used a condom every time we had sex including when I missed my pill. We always use a condom even though I'm on the pill. Are my chances slim of becomming pregnant?

August 28, 2009 - 11:20am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi all, Just a quick question, Im not very good when it comes to remembering to take my pill, ive been on the pill around 3 months now (loestrin 20) but taken them continuously without a break. I had a proper period 2 weeks ago as i forgot 2 pills, since then ive been taking it as normal but this week missed 2 again sunday and monday ive continued from tuesday to take my pill as normal but have had a brownish kind of period, now i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on thursday...what are my risks of being pregnant? im in week 2 of my pill packet.
I dont know if this makes sense. hope you can help as i am a little concerned
thankyou x

August 28, 2009 - 6:26am
EmpowHER Guest

hi, i'll start taking pills every my first period,Im taking 28 day cycle pills for over six months now, I missed two pills (fri & sat) in a row in my 2nd week,i took one pills the next day the night after my unprotected sex that was sunday aug 23 2009,monday & tuesday i took single pills at usuall time before realizing that i should take 2 pills in the next 2 days after the missed days,only on wed took 2 pills then the other 2 pills these thurs...after the unprotected sex on sunday i got slight spotting and lasted for four days now...what does it mean? Is there a chance of being a pregnant?

August 26, 2009 - 10:35pm
EmpowHER Guest

hello. im a wednesday starter and i just started my 3rd week today. I just did have unprotected sex and didnt take tonights birth control pill until after my boyfriend had ejaculated in me. I also missed a pill one day last week, therefore i doubled up the next day .. what are the chances i may be pregnant? it would be nice to save 50 doallars because im planning on getting Plan B tomorrow... help? =/ thanks.

August 26, 2009 - 10:09pm
EmpowHER Guest

hi i have a question. . .

I have been on the pill for about 2 years now and i was supposed to start my new pack of pills sunday (aug 23) but couldnt get them so i took the one for sunday the following day on monday along with mondays pill. Later on i had sex with my boyfriend. My main concern is what should i do because he did not finish in me nor was he close to finishing (sorry if too much in detail) but i am always afraid about the stuff that may come out in between. I just want to know if i should be worried or am i okay?


August 24, 2009 - 10:12pm
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Birth Control

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