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Ihave a pain that suddenly comes on in my groin making my leg colapes other wise no pain

By Anonymous August 12, 2018 - 12:44pm
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Hello, Anon. Thank you for writing today.

Gron pain typically results from an injury caused by physical activity, such as pulled or strained muscle in the groin area.   Another common cause of groin pain is an inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia occurs when internal tissues push through a weak spot in the groin muscles. This can create a bulging lump in your groin area and cause pain. Kidney stones (small, hard mineral deposits in the kidneys and bladder) can cause groin pain as well. 

Less common disorders and conditions that could cause pain in the groin are:
-intestinal inflammation
-testicular inflammation
-ovarian cysts
-urinary tract infections (UTIs)

See your doctor to determine the cause of the pain, especially if it worsens or is not getting any better.


August 12, 2018 - 2:01pm
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