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By Anonymous December 10, 2014 - 9:06am
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hello im 22 years old married woman with no child .we have been trying for baby since one year still cant be sucess.My problem is also that we we do sex then next day we gets infection and a dry white cheeze like discharge comes out from vagina with foul smell.somees i feel severe pain in lower back side n suddenly it reliefs automatic n my hb gets itching and rashes.manytimes i went hospital and i take all medicine correctly n completely but i am fime while taking medicine then it wil start atomatically..i cant understand the wat is happening with me.

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER and thank you for coming to us for help with your concern about a possible vaginal infection.

Anonymous, when you went to the hospital, what did the doctor think was the cause of your symptoms? Did the doctor do a pelvic exam? Were any blood tests or cultures of the cervix taken? What medications were prescribed? Did you mention that following sexual intercourse, your husband experiences itching and develops a rash? Is the rash on his penis? Does he have discharge from his penis? Where does he itch?

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include vaginal itching, a vaginal discharge that is usually white, thick, clumpy but odorless like cottage cheese, red irritated skin around the labia, pain while urinating and pain during intercourse.

It sounds like you have a recurring infection. You must consult your gynecologist and report that the symptoms reoccur once you stop taking the prescribed medications.


December 10, 2014 - 10:10am
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