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Is it possible to develop a thoracic hemangioma from lifting/pulling/pushing a very heavy weight. I'm 120lbs and 5'7" , A care giver and had to care for a 450+lbs client with only one other caregivers' assist.

By Anonymous May 17, 2011 - 12:18pm
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After caring for this person for 2 X12 hour shifts I felt like I had whiplash. The ROM of my head was restricted and My head felt like a cement block on my shoulders. My cervical spine shows 3 buldging disks 2 of which are also torn. There is a region of high signal intensity identified on the T1 and T2 weighted sequesnces compatible with hemangioma. I am booked for further MRI testing but I'm curious if the hemangioma could be linked/related to the event causing the intitial injury

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Hi Michelle,
To my knowledge, the presence of a hemangioma exists at birth. Though it begins small, it can increase in size over time. But, I don't think strain from heavy lifting can cause a hemangioma to increase in size. I suggest you ask your physician when he or she discusses the results of the MRI with you.

May 18, 2011 - 5:11pm

Welcome to EmpowHer and thank you for your question. From what you have shared, you have two separate medical condition in your spine.
A hemangioma is an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels that may occur in any vascularized tissue. Considerable debate exists as to whether these lesions are neoplasms, hamartomas, or vascular malformations.
The vertebrae are cushioned by small, spongy discs.When these discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep the spine flexible. But when a disc is damaged, it may bulge or break open. This is called a herniated disc. It may also be called a slipped or ruptured disc.A herniated disc can be caused by injury to the spine, such as you experienced with caring for the extremely obese patient. Injury to the spine causes tiny tears or cracks in the hard outer layer of the disc. When this happens, the gel inside the disc can be forced out through the tears or cracks in the outer layer of the disc. This causes the disc to bulge, break open, or break into pieces.
I hope this information has helped clarify and differentiate your health issues. Please get more help when needing to turn or lift this patient and any other heavy client.

May 17, 2011 - 5:30pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Thanks Maryann
I understand that the two issues are quite different in nature I also understand that no doubt the cervicle problem is in direct correlation to lifting the obese client. What I was wondering was whether there's any evidence to suggest that this proliferation of blood vessels could also have been caused from the same incident due to the trauma/strain in the thoracic area of my back or are hemangiomas simply a genetic anomaly? Thanks for your help

May 18, 2011 - 8:31am
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